1,235 research outputs found

    Empirical Comparison of Chirp and Multitones on Experimental UWB Software Defined Radar Prototype

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    This paper proposes and tests an approach for an unbiased study of radar waveforms' performances. Using the ultrawide band software defined radar prototype, the performances of Chirp and Multitones are compared in range profile and detection range. The architecture was implemented and has performances comparable to the state of the art in software defined radar prototypes. The experimental results are consistent with the simulations

    Empirical Performance Analysis of Linear Frequency Modulated Pulse and Multitones on UWB Software Defined Radar Prototype

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    In this study, we apply a protocol for an unbiased analysis of radar signals' performances. Using an experimental UWB software-defined radar, range profile, Doppler profile and detection range are evaluated for both Liner Frequency Modulated pulse and Multitones. The radar was prototyped and is comparable in overall performance to software defined radar test-beds found in the literature. The measured performances are in agreement with the simulations

    Computer-Assisted Segmentation of Videocapsule Images Using Alpha-Divergence-Based Active Contour in the Framework of Intestinal Pathologies Detection

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    Visualization of the entire length of the gastrointestinal tract through natural orifices is a challenge for endoscopists. Videoendoscopy is currently the “gold standard” technique for diagnosis of different pathologies of the intestinal tract. Wireless Capsule Endoscopy (WCE) has been developed in the 1990's as an alternative to videoendoscopy to allow direct examination of the gastrointestinal tract without any need for sedation. Nevertheless, the systematic post-examination by the specialist of the 50,000 (for the small bowel) to 150,000 images (for the colon) of a complete acquisition using WCE remains time-consuming and challenging due to the poor quality of WCE images. In this article, a semiautomatic segmentation for analysis of WCE images is proposed. Based on active contour segmentation, the proposed method introduces alpha-divergences, a flexible statistical similarity measure that gives a real flexibility to different types of gastrointestinal pathologies. Results of segmentation using the proposed approach are shown on different types of real-case examinations, from (multi-) polyp(s) segmentation, to radiation enteritis delineation

    Empirical Comparison of Chirp and Multitones on Experimental UWB Software Defined Radar Prototype

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    This paper proposes and tests an approach for an unbiased study of radar waveforms' performances. Using the ultrawide band software defined radar prototype, the performances of Chirp and Multitones are compared in range profile and detection range. The architecture was implemented and has performances comparable to the state of the art in software defined radar prototypes. The experimental results are consistent with the simulations

    Compressed vessels bias red blood cell partitioning at bifurcations in a hematocrit-dependent manner:implications in tumor blood flow

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    The tumor microenvironment is abnormal and associated with tumor tissue hypoxia, immunosuppression, and poor response to treatment. One important abnormality present in tumors is vessel compression. Vessel decompression has been shown to increase survival rates in animal models via enhanced and more homogeneous oxygenation. However, our knowledge of the biophysical mechanisms linking tumor decompression to improved tumor oxygenation is limited. In this study, we propose a computational model to investigate the impact of vessel compression on red blood cell (RBC) dynamics in tumor vascular networks. Our results demonstrate that vessel compression can alter RBC partitioning at bifurcations in a hematocrit-dependent and flow rate–independent manner. We identify RBC focusing due to cross-streamline migration as the mechanism responsible and characterize the spatiotemporal recovery dynamics controlling downstream partitioning. Based on this knowledge, we formulate a reduced-order model that will help future research to elucidate how these effects propagate at a whole vascular network level. These findings contribute to the mechanistic understanding of hemodilution in tumor vascular networks and oxygen homogenization following pharmacological solid tumor decompression

    Diversité fonctionnelle du facteur de transcription Tbx5 dans le coeur

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    Le cƓur des vertĂ©brĂ©s est un organe modulaire qui requiert le " patterning " complexe des champs morphogĂ©nĂ©tiques cardiogĂšnes et la convergence coordonnĂ©e des diverses sous-populations de progĂ©niteurs cardiogĂ©niques. Au moins 7 facteurs de transcription de la famille T-box coopĂšrent au sein de ces nombreuses sous-populations de progĂ©niteurs cardiogĂ©niques afin de rĂ©guler la morphogenĂšse et l’agencement de multiples structures le long de l’ébauche cardiaque, ce qui explique que les mutations humaines de ces gĂšnes engendrent diverses malformations congĂ©nitales cardiaques (MCCs). L’un de ces gĂšnes T-box, Tbx5, dont l’haploinsuffisance gĂ©nĂšre le syndrome de Holt-Oram (SHO), intervient dans une grande variĂ©tĂ© de rĂ©seaux de rĂ©gulation gĂ©niques (RRGs) qui orchestrent la morphogenĂšse des oreillettes, du ventricule gauche, de la valve mitrale, des septums inter-auriculaire et inter-ventriculaire, ainsi que du systĂšme de conduction cardiaque. La diversitĂ© des RRGs impliquĂ©s dans la formation de ces structures cardiaques suggĂšre que Tbx5 dĂ©tient une profusion de fonctions qui ne seront identifiables qu’en rĂ©pertoriant ses activitĂ©s molĂ©culaires dans chaque lignĂ©e cardiaque examinĂ©e isolĂ©ment. Afin d’aborder cette problĂ©matique, une ablation gĂ©nĂ©tique de Tbx5 dans l’endocarde a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e. Cette expĂ©rience a dĂ©montrĂ© le rĂŽle crucial de Tbx5 dans la survie des cellules endocardiques bordant le septum primum et des cardiomyocytes au sein de cette structure embryonnaire qui contribuera Ă  la morphogenĂšse du septum inter-auriculaire. En outre, cette Ă©tude a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© l’existence d’une communication croisĂ©e entre la sous-population de cellules endocardiques Tbx5+ et le myocarde au niveau du septum primum, afin d’assurer la survie des cardiomyocytes, et ultimement de garantir la maturation du septum inter-auriculaire. Nos rĂ©sultats confirment aussi l’importance de l’interdĂ©pendance gĂ©nĂ©tique (Tbx5 et Gata4 ainsi que Tbx5 et Nos3) entre diffĂ©rents loci dans la morphogenĂšse de la cloison inter-auriculaire, et particuliĂšrement de l’influence que peut avoir l’environnement sur la pĂ©nĂ©trance et l’expressivitĂ© des communications inter-auriculaires (CIAs) dans le SHO. En outre, puisque les fonctions d’un gĂšne dĂ©pendent ordinairement des diffĂ©rents isoformes qu’il peut gĂ©nĂ©rer, une deuxiĂšme Ă©tude a focalisĂ© davantage sur l’aspect transcriptionnel de Tbx5. Cette approche a menĂ© Ă  la dĂ©couverte de 6 transcrits alternatifs exhibant des fonctions Ă  la fois communes et divergentes. La caractĂ©risation de 2 de ces isoformes a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© le rĂŽle de l’isoforme long (Tbx5_v1) dans la rĂ©gulation de la croissance des cardiomyocytes durant la cardiogĂ©nĂšse, tandis que l’isoforme court (Tbx5_v2), prĂ©fĂ©rentiellement exprimĂ© dans le cƓur mature, rĂ©prime la croissance cellulaire. Il est donc entiĂšrement concevable que les mutations de TBX5 entraĂźnant une troncation de la rĂ©gion C-terminale accroissent la concentration d’une protĂ©ine mutĂ©e qui, Ă  l’instar de Tbx5_v2, interfĂšre avec la croissance de certaines structures cardiaques. En revanche, la divergence de fonctions de ces isoformes, caractĂ©risĂ©e par les disparitĂ©s de localisation subcellulaire et de d’interaction avec d’autres cofacteurs cardiaques, suggĂšre que les mutations affectant davantage un isoforme favoriseraient l’émergence d’un type particulier de MCC. Finalement, un dernier objectif Ă©tait d’identifier le ou les mĂ©canisme(s) molĂ©culaire(s) par le(s)quel(s) Tbx5 rĂ©gule son principal gĂšne cible, Nppa, et d’en extraire les indices qui Ă©clairciraient sa fonction transcriptionnelle. Cet objectif nĂ©cessitait dans un premier lieu d’identifier les diffĂ©rents modules cis-rĂ©gulateurs (MCRs) coordonnant la rĂ©gulation transcriptionnelle de Nppa et Nppb, deux gĂšnes natriurĂ©tiques dont l’organisation en tandem et le profil d’expression durant la cardiogĂ©nĂšse sont conservĂ©s dans la majoritĂ© des vertĂ©brĂ©s. L’approche d’empreinte phylogĂ©nĂ©tique employĂ©e pour scanner le locus Nppb/Nppa a permis d’identifier trois MCRs conservĂ©s entre diverses espĂšces de mammifĂšres, dont un (US3) est spĂ©cifique aux euthĂ©riens. Cette Ă©tude a corroborĂ© que la rĂ©gulation de l’expression du tandem gĂ©nique Nppb/Nppa requĂ©rait l’activitĂ© transcriptionnelle d’enhancers en complĂ©ment aux promoteurs de Nppa et Nppb. La concordance quasiment parfaite entre les profils d’expression de Tbx5 et de ces deux gĂšnes natriurĂ©tiques chez les mammifĂšres, suggĂšre que le gradient d’expression ventriculaire de Tbx5 est interprĂ©tĂ© par le recrutement de ce facteur au niveau des diffĂ©rents enhancers identifiĂ©s. En somme, les Ă©tudes prĂ©sentĂ©es dans cette thĂšse ont permis de clarifier la profusion de fonctions cardiaques que possĂšde Tbx5. Certaines de ces fonctions Ă©manent de l’épissage alternatif de Tbx5, qui favorise la synthĂšse d’isoformes dotĂ©s de propriĂ©tĂ©s spĂ©cifiques. Les diverses interactions combinatoires entre ces isoformes et d’autres facteurs cardiaques au sein des diverses sous-populations de progĂ©niteurs cardiogĂšnes contribuent Ă  l’émergence de RRGs cardiaques divergents.The vertebrate heart is a modular organ, which requires the complex patterning of the morphogenetic heart fields and the coordinated convergence of the diverse subpopulations of cardiogenic progenitors. At least 7 transcription factors of the T-box family cooperate within these numerous subpopulations of cardiogenic progenitors to regulate the morphogenesis and the layout of multiple structures along the primordial heart tube, which explains that the human mutations of these genes induce various congenital heart defects (CHDs). One of these T-box genes, Tbx5, whose haploinsufficiency generates the Holt-Oram syndrome (HOS), intervenes in a wide variety of gene regulatory networks (GRNs) that orchestrate the morphogenesis of the atria, the left ventricle, the mitral valve, the inter-atrial and inter-ventricular septa, as well as the cardiac conduction system. The diversity of GRNs involved in the formation of these cardiac structures suggests that Tbx5 holds a profusion of functions which will be identifiable only by indexing its molecular activities in each separately examined cardiac lineage. To address this problem, a conditional knockout of Tbx5 in the endocardium was generated. This experiment demonstrated a crucial role of Tbx5 in the survival of the endocardial cells lining the septum primum and the cardiomyocytes within this embryonic structure, which will contribute to the morphogenesis of the inter-atrial septum. Moreover, this study revealed a crosstalk between the Tbx5-positive endocardial cells subpopulation and the myocardium at the level of the septum primum to ensure the survival of cardiomyocytes, and ultimately to guarantee the maturation of the inter-atrial septum. Our results also confirmed the importance of genetic interdependence (Tbx5 and Gata4 as well as Tbx5 and Nos3) between different loci in the morphogenesis of the inter-atrial septum, and particularly the influence that the environment can have on the penetrance and the expressivity of atrial septal defects (ASDs) in the HOS. Besides, since the functions of a gene usually depend on the different isoforms it can generate, a second study focused more on the transcriptional aspect of Tbx5. This approach led to the discovery of 6 alternative transcripts exhibiting both common and specific functions. The characterization of 2 of these isoforms revealed the role of the long isoform (Tbx5_v1) in the regulation of cardiomyocytes growth during cardiogenesis, whereas the short isoform (Tbx5_v2), preferentially expressed in the mature heart, represses cell growth. It is thus entirely conceivable that TBX5 mutations leading to a C-terminal truncation increase the concentration of a mutated protein, which, like Tbx5_v2, interferes with the growth of certain cardiac structures. On the other hand, the divergence of functions of these isoforms, characterized by the disparities of subcellular localization and interaction with other cardiac cofactors, suggests that mutations affecting more one isoform would favor the emergence of a particular type of CHD. Finally, a last objective was to identify one or several molecular mechanism(s) by which Tbx5 regulates its main target gene, Nppa, and to extract clues that might clarify its transcriptional function. This objective required in a first place to identify the various cis-regulatory modules (CRMs) coordinating the transcriptional regulation of Nppa and Nppb, two natriuretic genes whose tandem organization and expression pattern during cardiogenesis are preserved in most vertebrates. The phylogenetic footprint approach employed to scan the Nppb/Nppa locus allowed the identification of three CRMs evolutionary conserved between different mammals species, one of which (US3) is specific to eutherians. This study confirmed that the regulation of the tandem genes Nppb/Nppa required the transcriptional activity of enhancers in complement to Nppa and Nppb promoters. The almost perfect concordance between the expression profiles of Tbx5 and these two natriuretic genes in mammals, suggests that the ventricular expression gradient of Tbx5 is interpreted by the recruitment of this factor to the identified enhancers. Altogether, the studies presented in this thesis allowed clarifying the profusion of Tbx5 cardiac functions. Some of these functions emanate from the alternative splicing of Tbx5, which favors the synthesis of isoforms endowed with specific properties. The diverse combinatorial interactions between these isoforms and other cardiac factors within the various cardiogenic progenitor subpopulations contribute to the emergence of distinct cardiac RRGs

    Current prevalence of self-reported interpersonal violence among adult patients seen at a university hospital emergency department in Switzerland.

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    To evaluate the current prevalence of self-reported interpersonal violence amongst patients consulting at the emergency department (ED) of a university hospital and to describe the characteristics of the violence sustained. Ours was a cross-sectional study using a modified version of the Partner Violence Screen questionnaire, which was distributed to every patient over 16 years old consulting at the ED between the 1st and 30th September 2016. Excluded were those incapable of decision-making, unable to understand owing to language difficulties, or in police detention. Questions pertained to violence endured during the year prior to their attendance at the ED and, where relevant, the date, place, and type of violence (physical or psychological), the perpetrator and the means used (firearms or other weapons). Demographic details were taken from the hospital records. Of 628 patients included (participation rate 86%), 19% were victims of violence, for 27% of whom it was the motive for ED attendance. The median age of these victims of violence was 28 years (interquartile range 22–43), 39% were female, 71% single and 38% foreign nationals. Typical characteristics of self-reported violence were: (1) violence sustained within the previous 24 h (26%); (2) perpetrators unknown (35%); (3) occurrence at a café, bar, restaurant or nightclub (32%); (4) use of knives (19%); (5) prior consumption of alcohol by the victims themselves (28%). Females were more susceptible to domestic violence than males (45 vs 7%), the latter mostly reporting public violence (64 vs 43% in women). The prevalence of self-reported interpersonal violence has reached one patient in five in our ED. Our results underline the importance of screening for this, as well as providing the means to offer specific follow-up. &nbsp
